Saturday, December 26, 2009


This is late... but it must be posted so I can move on with my blog. Thanksgiving really was wonderful. We loved the warm weather, the food, and especially the family!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Being a Kid 101

Remember this...

Ya that's what I did today for an hour...

in college.

My major is seriously amazing.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Horribly Amazing

The title says it all.
My amazing friend Jesse came to stay with me for a weekend and horribly amazing things happened.


Laughing so hard till we cried. (Notice the tear running off my nose)

Laughing even more.

Taking pictures for an hour straight of only ugly faces. This was the winner.

My adorable new clothes courtesy of Jesse's large American Eagle discount. Minus the scarf, we spent forever trying to tie that scarf in the new-trendy way... couldn't figure it out.

The best way we could figure out. Beautiful.

Out cute matching friendship hair clips.

Super fun trip to the Lagoon! Jesse's first roller coaster!

Progressively getting more and more terrified of the not so scary roller coasters.

Jordan is a little freaked out!

First roller coaster ride in 5 years, I totally forgot how scared I get.

We also ate an enormous bag of peanut butter M&M's. Stayed up until 4 am talking. Danced A LOT to the Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feelin"... I'm obsessed with that song.

This is where the pictures end. Why? Well what happened... we went on the craziest straight up and straight back down roller coaster. It was sooo fun. Because of the craziness we decided to go on a little more relaxed ride that just spins you around in circles. As we're on the ride we think lets take a picture. Jesse can't find her camera or her keys (she drove). We realize at this moment the keys and the camera are somewhere at the bottom of that horrific ride, but we can't do a thing about it because we're strapped in. Jordan drooled on me, we laughed probably the entire time and then got really sad because we realized without that key we have no way to get home. The next few hours consist of us eating nasty "fair" food while trying to figure out what we're going to do... Oh ya we didn't bring our cell phones, they were locked in the car. We eventually get change use a pay phone call AAA and wait.

Jesse's camera was found... smashed to bits. (Did I mention it wasn't Jesse's camera, but her roommates 200$ camera that she borrowed... oops). The key was never found.

All in all I think it was more amazing then horrible.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Heart Attack?

Last night Grant started complaining about chest pains. So we get on the ever-so-trusted WebMD symptom checker (our first go-to source in times of illness). Grant proceeds to list his symptoms and with three of them a warning sign pops up that says seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY. Ohhhh great. As of right now Grant has no health insurance so he decides he'll be okay not going to the doctor. Meanwhile Grants mom is telling him horror stories over the phone of husbands dying in their sleep and teachers hearts exploding in class!!! (We love you Karen) Grant please get health insurance and please don't die in your sleep or in class... or at all for that matter. Stress.

I thought this picture summed up our feelings pretty well. Grant hiding from his health problem while I just sit there sad and worried.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It Was Bound to Happen

So I have no immune system. Zero. I got a cold 4 times in 3 months last winter. This winter is starting off strong. Turns out H1N1 (more commonly known as Swine Flu) has found me. Last night it hit me hard. All of a sudden it felt like my whole body was bruised, my throat hurt, and my nose got all clogged up. Today I can't stop sneezing and it hurts to be touched. It's a wonderful little virus living in my body. I went to the doctor today, only to find out "ya, you definitely have H1N1" and "well if you see the doctor he will prescribe you Tami-flu, but it's 90$ even with insurance." No Tami-flu for me. Instead they told me to take Ibuprofen and stay away from school for 3 days. The problem is I have a test tomorrow. So I guess I run into the testing center and try no to breathe on anyone. Ugh. Swine Flu I hate you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Instead of homework

Ya... I did it. Instead of doing homework tonight I copied a friends idea and went to this website to see what Grant and my children will look like. Most of them turn out pretty deformed so this isn't bad! To be honest it freaked me out when I first saw the picture. It doesn't look like either of us... and yet it does at the same time, but in a weird "I'm 3 but look like a 20 year old" kind of way. I can't tell if that's red hair... but I'm pretty sure that doesn't run in either family. This website is seriously fun!

Where did she get that luscious brown hair?

Grant thought they were absolutely hideous. Let's hope our kids don't actually look like this. Otherwise Grant won't think they're cute!

Oh and I did get my homework done. Go me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Something to Look Forward To!

So you have your friends and then you have the friends who get you more then even your family sometimes. I'm fortunate enough to have a great group of those kinds of friends. Two in particular I am getting so antsy to see! I have a treat to get me through the next 2 weeks of school... and that is looking forward to the re-uniting of this lovely bunch...

And they will be here in less than 2 short weeks!

A more normal picture for us.

And just a little more normal.

I can't wait for them to be here for a whole weekend!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Enjoying it while we can

We didn't get much of a summer, so since we've been back we've been trying to get in as much of the outdoors as we can. I don't want winter to come. Usually I'm excited about snow and Christmas time, but this year I'm not. Maybe it's remembering how cold and sick I was all last winter. Yuck! One thing I am looking forward to is our one year anniversary, how fun that I have an anniversary! I never even had one of those with a boyfriend(I never had a boyfriend that lasted longer then 2 months before Grant), this will be my first time celebrating an anniversary! But this post is focused entirely on sunshine and the BEAUTIFUL, mild, Provo weather. The first weekend we were back we planned to go on a hike. We drove up, couldn't find the trail head we were looking for, turned around and drove all the way back down the mountain to fill up with gas, drove back up, still couldn't find the trail head, finally decided to hike around and find some kind of trail to hike for a few hours before it got dark. Well.... turns out we found the most beautiful little trail! It follows this creek and is so green!

The trail had all these fun bridges made out of cut logs to cross the creek in certain places.

The next weekend we decided it was time to camp. The Sunday of Labor Day weekend we loaded up after church and drove up to the Nebo Wilderness. It was GORGEOUS. We followed Payson Canyon up to a place called Maple Lake. It was pretty busy because of Labor Day, but we found an awesome spot for our little tent.

Our campsite

All we had was this small little hatchet so Grant put his manly muscles to work and chopped our firewood. I tried, after about 3 whacks I was too tired and my arms hurt... what a wuss.

I was the "gatherer" I found the best kindling out there... and even a few logs.


Maple Lake looks like a dirty pond/swamp... but it was still nice to be around water.

I LOVE this picture! I can just picture this look on our kids after they've been caught doing something naughty.

Frolicking through the cat tails.

We had the yummiest hot dogs for dinner. I love campfires... the best part of camping by far!


Night lover love.

Good morning. ha. I forgot how uncomfortable sleeping on the dirt is. I think I slept for max 1 hour at a time before waking up feeling like that side of my body was bruised. Growing up we always had the thickest and nicest foam pads, but our camping budget didn't fit that purchase for this trip. Next one for sure!

Snuck in a game of phase ten before we had to get back to finish homework... oh homework always ruining the fun.

Camping with Grant was one of the best experiences I've had with him. It was so fun just the two of us in the mountains. I don't think I've laughed so much in a while either. I love this boy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This summer Grant and I sold pest control in Dallas, TX. Let me tell ya about it...
It was hands down the most demanding experience of my life. I also learned so so much along the way about myself and about life. From the outside this job looks really hard, don't be fooled, it is crazy, ridiculously hard. You walk around, barge in on peoples daily lives, annoy people all day, listen to people tell you no all day, while sweating your brains out because it's over 100 degrees outside. Below are a few of my top favorite responses from people on the doors...

My #1 favorite was this older man...
Me: "Hi, I'm with Romney Pest Control!"

The most common response
Them: "I'm not interested."
Me: "Oh are you already with a company?" (said very innocently and doe eyed I'd might add)
Them: "I'm not interested." (As if I hadn't heard them the first time!)
Me: "Oh are you taking care of it yourself right now?"
Them: "I'm Not Interested!"

It always seems to end with a door slamming on my face.

Lastly was the most irritating, the dreaded teenagers.
Me: "Hey can I talk to your parents?"
Them: "What can I help you with?"
Me: "Oh I just need to talk with your parents thanks."
Them: "Well they're not interested."

So what would be your reaction? If I knocked on your door in the middle of your busy day how would you treat me?
This summer has really made me evaluate the way I treat others, especially those people who initially don't seem to matter, like the door-to-door salesman. It's also made me realize that everyone in life is trying to sell you something, and you do not have to buy it! Also, you never have to pay full price... if you haggle with someone long enough you'll get a GREAT deal. Lastly, I had to overcome my deathly fear of talking to people I don't know. The first month or so of the summer I would literally shake at every door. I dreaded ringing the doorbell. By the end I was still nervous, but I knew it wasn't the end of the world and all I had to do was talk to another person and people can't be THAT scary.
Overall I learned one heck of a lot and did something I NEVER EVER thought I could POSSIBLY do in my LIFE! I can't help but smile when I look back and think how tough I was. Granted I shed a LOT of tears, but Grant was great... even though the crying made no sense to him (boys don't really care what other people think do they)? I admire Grant SO SO much after this summer. Six summers really? He's a stud.

So what do ya think? Does that sound like summer? Isn't summer supposed to be filled with swimming, popsicles, friends, lakes, rivers, camping, and so much more? Ya well in this family we say no to summer, but yes to 8 glorious months of no work and you better believe I'm basking in EVERY minute of it! What I can actually have time to fold laundry now and not just leave it in the dryer until I wear it? I can cook a meal that doesn't consist of corndogs or frozen pizza? I actually have energy to talk to my husband at night and not just pass out? Sounds like Bliss, pure bliss.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today is the love of my life's birthday! Big 25!! Why do I love this hubby of mine... let me show you.

He's dead sexy

He doesn't take life to seriously... or pictures for that matter

He's a GREAT dancer and LOVES to dance!

He's a true gentleman

He's a manly man.

He's a good kisser

Ok so I love him for a lot of reasons. I can always count on him to make me smile. He brings so much silliness and fun into my life and reminds me not to be too serious. He's the hardest worker and so dedicated. He's dedicated to the Gospel, me, work, and many other things!

Happy Birthday Love! Here's to many many more. I love you!

Monday, February 9, 2009


So the wedding day was a success! It was an amazing day and we are so grateful. We're grateful that we somehow had the only day without snow in weeks. We're so happy that the day was peaceful and just fun. We are surprised that we managed to not forget a thing (minus the Cd's for the reception, but lucky for friends)! We are blessed to have had such an amazing experience in the temple and to have been surrounded by so many people who love us.

Even though the wedding was perfect, getting the pictures is an entirely different story. Our photographer (who was amazing), had some computer problems, it crashed and everything was gone. As his friend was trying to get the pictures off his computer he completely wrote over them. Luckily our photographer is smart and saves them to a back up area on his computer as well, but oh wait that got written over too. So after about a month the pictures were restored and now everything is good. Phew. Needless to say I nearly had a heart attack while Grant was just sittin' easy. So here are a few pictures from our day!


Grant being a gentleman


My bridesmaids, maid of honor, and I in the elevator

Pheonix, photographer captured a little flirting! :)

The cake and bouquet, I absolutely loved both!