Monday, September 17, 2012

Checking In

Summer is over. I couldn't be more excited about this. I've had my windows open all day everyday for 3 days straight. One rainy day we broke out Grace's cuuute sweatsuit courtesy of Auntie CoCo. I about died, how cute is she? 

We're gearing up for lots of fun visitors and vacations in the next few months! Today my friend Jesse comes for a week, the day after she leaves Caitlin and baby Adelynn come to stay for about a month, We're also taking a trip up to Ok and Kansas City, Missouri to see Erin and her family. We'll probably squeeze some church history sites in while where there and then in October I'm going home for 6 days! Then it's the holidays and well that just speaks for itself. We worked hard all summer and now we get to play, and play we will. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Baby's 1st Food

We tried sweet potatoes with Grace this week. We're still not sure how she feels about them.


Not quite sure what to do with the spoon.

She sat like this the majority of the time. Mouth wide open, food sitting on her tongue. 

All in all, I think she was weirded out by it, but we'll keep trying. I'm just noticing her bright red hair. Her hair really isn't that red, our lights make everything look a little orange, but it definitely has an auburn hint to it, not sure where that came from.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

5 Months

Baby G is 5 months old today. Crazy.

-She is officially a napper, 1.5-3 hour naps all day. It's amazing, especially after almost 5 months of 30-40 minute naps.
-I can lay her down in her bed when she's tired and she'll just fall asleep, no tears, no fussing, just happiness. Seriously, when she's tired and fussing at me as soon as I put her in her bed she gets so happy.
-She loves the car now. If she's tired she loves to go for a car ride... and she falls asleep in the car on a pretty regular basis. No more screaming=heaven.
-She finally can hold her binky in her mouth. Which probably helps the points above. I used to have to hold it for her otherwise she'd just spit it right out.
-She doesn't hate tummy time, but doesn't love it either. She is trying to crawl, those little legs move like crrrrazy.
-She talks and makes the cuuutest noises.
-She grabs everything, including my face.
-She loves when I talk to her or read books to her.
-I think she's finally getting used to noisy places... hopefully.
-She's got her bottle eating down to about 15-20 minutes, that's down from 45-60 minutes.

I loooooove her. It's crazy how much you can love such a little person that you've only known for 5 months.

In other news we are just finishing out our summer. Grant is getting so close to his selling goal. We have lots of friends coming to visit us in the fall and we can't wait! Grant's parents live here now and we've already been able to leave Grace with them and go out. So nice. Our A/C went out last week, luckily we have awesome family here and stayed with them all weekend until it got fixed.

Honestly, life is so good.

Monday, July 30, 2012

For Grace

This is a post for Grace. A post for her to read one day and see why she is who she is. 
First off your name... your dad gave you the name Grace and a mighty fitting name it is. What's fun about your name is I see it ALL the time, and always in the best quotes and scriptures. Grace always means something wonderful. Your middle name Louise comes from your great grandma Louise and also from me, your mom. Even though someday you will be married and will lose Romney as your name, I like knowing you will keep a little bit of your mom with you. Also your great grandma Louise is amazing and could play skip-bo and make rice pudding like no one's business. And just so you know, I think I was always her favorite and she would be honored to know you were named after her (I'm sure you'll be your Nana Janell's favorite too). She raised 9 children and had spunk. Lastly, Romney well I didn't really have a choice in that matter, but I'm glad you get to have that name for a while. It's a strong name with a strong message and comes from a long line of strong, wonderful people. I hope you enjoy having it as much as I have.  
Second your personality... I'm starting to think you are going to have your daddy's brains and your momma's heart. You may not know this or refuse to see it until your older, but your daddy is smart. He thinks of everything and is so analytical. I'm starting to see the wheels in your head turning and you are VERY particular (just like your dad). You like things a specific way and don't like them to be interrupted, you've been that way since your were born. You are also very sweet, but also a little shy. That you have inherited from me. Your just starting to warm up to others and are getting used to having a lot of people around. You tend to throw a fit when there are a lot of people around, and I can totally understand you, but I've learned to love a crowd and I think you will too. You love a good cuddle and hand out smiles for free, we love you for that. 
Lastly, your looks... I include them last because I hope you grow up learning that looks don't count for much. You always confuse people, half of them say you look like me and half say you look like your dad. We think your a mix. You got my eye's, and your daddy's head for sure, the rest is still up in the air. Whoever you look like, we think your the cutest. 

Love you little Grace. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Babies first tutu, success. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I figured these pictures captured her and what she's been up to the last month. Gracie Lou is officially 4 months. She is so stinking fun. Even when she's mad and yelling she is fun. She's our little drama queen and will definitely let you know if she doesn't like something, or if she loves something. She's either laughing because she's so happy or yelling because she's mad, there's not a lot of in between. She talks all the time and grabs EVERYTHING. It's so fun to watch her with her toys and see how excited she gets when she finally grabs them. She's officially rolling over all the time. She's been rolling from her stomach to back for about a month occasionally, but she does it every time now. Every time she rolls to her back she gets the biggest grin like she's so proud of herself. She's now working on back to stomach. She almost has her feet in her mouth, they are always tucked up like in the picture. It's cute to see her personality start to emerge. She always laughs when she hears me laugh, which makes me laugh more, which then makes her laugh. It's a fun little circle we have going on. She's about to break a tooth through, I'm hoping soon. She's sleeping through the night 8-5 and it's amazing. She still is a horrible napper, but I've finally just stopped stressing about it. Today she fell asleep in the car WITHOUT CRYING and without her binky. I was SHOCKED! Have a mentioned she's always hated the car? Cause usually car rides consist of her crying  screaming the whole time. Here's our little squirmy wormy, her new nickname from mom. 

That tongue is always out or rubbing on her bottom gums. 

Cute legs. 


Happy she found her hand. 

A regular occurrence. Her hands are always soaked from chewing on them.

The cheeks are plumping up nicely, so nice to see her so healthy! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Some pictures I uploaded from Instagram. Taking pictures of Baby G is my new favorite hobby. 

"Perfect summer day. Park lunch, baseball game and bbq. This little one loved it.

"Matching! Thanks @jtbooras and @jessicadrz for my cute outfit!"

"Date night. Loving Tim and Kenny."

"Mom! And look how happy I am to be laying on your blanket @jnpugel."

"Just making sure mom's still pushing her. She's loving sitting like a big girl in her stroller."

"Meeting Sophie the giraffe... Not sure how she feels about it."

"Clean baby."

"Graces new friend Katelyn, my newest niece."

I really can't get enough of her. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Blessing Day

We blessed Grace today. It was a beautiful day. We had a whole slew of family and friends join us and somehow managed to stuff everyone in our house for a wonderful lunch afterwards. I was overwhelmed with how grateful I am for all the loving wonderful people in my life. Grants parents were able to come to town as well as his sister Brook and her family from Oklahoma. Grace was the star of the show and looked absolutely beautiful. I think all the people around were a lot for her to handle so we took a 3 hour nap together today. She rarely sleeps that long and it was heavenly. I feel so happy tonight. One of those nights where you sit down and feel absolutely fulfilled. We had a fun, family packed day that was surprisingly relaxing. We "christened" our house with our first big get together and I've now realized I love having a full, loud, people filled house even if its messy and crazy (I guess that means we need to fill it up with lots of kids). We fed around 40 people, and now the house is clean, the baby is sleeping, and Grant and I are sitting down watching a movie. Ah, it's the little things in life. Another moment I don't want to forget, a moment where I feel perfectly content and so blessed with the life I get to live.

I love my little family. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2 Month Dance Party

A few weeks ago this little lady hit 2 months. Wow. Fast. Where did my newborn go? She is getting a personality on her. A social butterfly mixed with a little sass a little sweet and a lot of spunk and you get Grace.

Mom and dad
Being talked to
Watching mom get ready
The monkey on her bouncy chair
Ceiling Fans (still)
Her cousins
Her hands and feet
Chewing on her hands
Chewing on her tongue
Mom's hair
Being held facing out

Not being able to see people so...
The car... ugh the car. Cue the screaming baby.
The first few minutes of being put to sleep for naps
Getting out of the bath
Loud noises
Spitting up. Hopefully she outgrows the reflux soon.
Shots. Duh.

She is so fun these days. Just last night she slept from 8:30-5:30 with one little wake up at 2:30 that a little binky loving was all she needed. She's starting to nap on her own for around 30 min to an hour, and to top it all of she's put herself on a schedule to eat her total daily amount during the daytime hours because she wants to sleep at night. Really though she started taking 4-5 oz every 3 hours and since then has slept SO much better at night. Thanks baby. She's still spitting up a ton and the medicine the dr. prescribed didn't do much so we took her off it. She's starting to make different sounds than just her normal ooh's and ahh's and we LOVE it. Babies rock.

Some most days you just need a dance party. 

Her stats:
Weight- 10lbs 2 oz (50%)
Height-22 1/4 (50%)
Head- 16 (90%) ya that's right my baby has a big brain :) 

Monday, May 7, 2012


Here is our pretty young thing...

Starting to reach for mom.


 Double chin

She really is so fun these days. The minute she sees Grant or my face she gives us a grin. She LOVES the bouncy chair the Sherrils gave us... and so do I! She's starting to become a water baby! She kicks the water in the bath and smiles so big. She just moved up to size 1 diapers and is almost too big for her newborn clothes. The other night Grant was so happy that she isn't so fragile! Keep on growing Gracie Lou!!